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Thank you in advance
Click on the button below to donate, either a one-off or regular payments.
Thank you in advance
Pauline Fletcher
CEO 01424 424813
Valerie Paine
Open Door 01424 718223
Ann Bloomfield
Active Arts 01424 422082
Heather Hall
Westwood 01424 428805
Ann Edgington
Charity Shop 01424 443717
General Email Enquiries:
Mon-Fri: 8:00-19:00
Sat: 8:00-14:00
Sun: closed
64 London Road
St Leonards on sea
East Sussex
TN37 6AS
55 St Helens Park Road
East Sussex
TN34 2JJ
Charity Shop
32A & B Kings Road
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex
TN37 6DX
Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm
Sat-Sun: closed
Charity Shop
Mon-Fri: 10am-4pm
Sat: 10am-1pm
Sun: closed