ANNUAL AGM! Our AGM will be held this year on Friday November 11th, 11.30 at Christchurch Hall. All of our members, carers, families are welcome.
What happens? We meet with our trustees and our members to talk about the highs and lows of the previous year. We talk about our services, our staff, our members and we can vote for trustees we want on our committee.
Who will be there? Michael Foster (our president) will chair the meeting, our trustees will be there, the staff, our members and friends and families of the society and it’s members.
Can anyone come? YES!
The meeting should last about an hour and will be followed by a light lunch and tea and coffee. Please tell us if you will be coming using this form here:
AGM attendence
Confirm attendance to this year AGM
Please nominate the trustees you’d like to see on the board of trustees using the form here:
Vote for your trustees
Voting form